LIFT simply means Lower Interest For Timeliness. At First Central when you pay your consumer loan for 12-consecutive months on time, come see us!
Your good payment history and your request for a lower interest rate on your consumer loan gives you the First Central LIFT.
Your automobile, recreational vehicle, motorcycle, boat or personal loan must be in good standing – meaning timely payments for 12-consecutive months and maintaining proper insurance on the collateral with no lapses since the loan was made. There is no need for loan re-qualification or re-evaluation of credit.
After you have received your new interest rate, you may make a one-time designation to lower your monthly payment or apply the additional monthly savings to your loan's principle balance.
To begin the request process, simply mark your calendar, pay timely monthly payments for the following 12-consecutive months and keep your loan in good standing to LIFT your existing loan interest rate once more.
The LIFT program applies to payments made after 1/1/2015. LIFT consumer loans exclude real estate, home equity, shared secured, certificate secured, Visa, and Line of Credit loans.